Bobby Fischer holding the Armstrong cult's literature, the October 1972 issue of "the Plain Truth," in his hand.
Take a look at what turns up on page 42 of the magazine Bobby is clutching … extensive sympathy for the suffering of Jews. Bobby Fischer was not anti-Jewish in any manner all the way up till early 1970's … he was sympathetic … media isn't going to share such truths about Bobby with the public.
Next to last page, “Personal from Herbert Armstrong” — he's on again about the end time prophecy, the “Resurrected Holy Roman Empire” (aka the Catholic Church) which would ultimately persecute God's people … so many false prophecies by the false prophet Herbert.
Shown in photo from left to right are Max Euwe, President of Fide (International Federation of Chess) U.S. Grand Master Bobby Fischer, and Argentina’s Welfare Minister Francisco Manrique during a reception at night, Oct. 22, 1971, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP Photo)
Facebook post.
For the Rest of the Story
Devastating Effects on My Personal Life During the Herbert Armstrong Era of the Worldwide Church of God
FACT: Bobby Fischer was on the Autism Spectrum, vulnerable, a childlike mind, —an innocent to the world around him, and witnesses acknowledged the associated behaviors.
Years of Plunder. Exploitation of Bobby Fischer's 1972 Prize Money and Personal Finances
Years of Plunder. Exploitation of Bobby Fischer's Personal Life From the Early 1960s Until He Quit Tithing in the mid-1970s. The signs that pointed to the hell that was Bobby's religious life were not-so-secret.
1972 WCG-Armstrong Cult Chaos. Bobby Fischer threatens to Blow the Lid on the Cult's Corruption
FACT: The WCG/Armstrong Cult was NOT teaching “Anti-Semitic” Doctrines
The Lies of the Anti-Semitic, “Judeo Bolshevik World Conspiracy” myth vs. the menace of Zionist Terrorism (Jewish NATIONALIST Extremism and territorial colonization of middle-east real estate). Who benefits but the British, American and Russian Empires? Yes, it is a racist cult consisting primarily of rightwing Christian Fundamentalists seeking, as they have for 2000 years to conquer the Holy Land... but this time, for big oil! and will hide behind a protected minority status to achieve that goal.
The WCG-Armstrong Doctrines of Terror and other things Doomsday Nightmares are made of
Iceland's Anti-American Atmosphere and Threats on the Life of Bobby Fischer (Today, swept under the rug)
Paul Morphy and Bobby Fischer, Persecuted by U.S. Federal Forces
Editor in Charge, Sharon Mooney |
FOOTNOTE: In some cases individual writers have created imaginative and fictionalized stories about Mr. Fischer, and name-dropping to bolster their presumptious credibility, attributing false quotes to deceased chess-players, to further damage the character of Mr. Fischer and peddle a headline or news article to bolster their own political biases. These unethical activities have been known to reap large payouts from foreign totalitarian governments seeking to whitewash their public image in the press.
After 1972, Bobby began reading Nazi literature. Why?
When you stick your head down inside a rabbit hole, one thing is bound to happen: cutting off the supply to much needed oxygen to the brain, which is necessary for critical reasoning skills. If you wondered “what happened to Bobby Fischer?” read my testimony about our Herbert W. Armstrong cult experience. Bobby stayed in, controlled in his every thought for 15 years starting in 1962, I was subjected to their isolation and indoctrination for 18 years. When we left, is when the real trouble in our lives began. We had not been allowed to socialize like normal people, not allowed to use our own minds to interpret simple things like the nightly news without Armstrong's interpretations. We had been shaped and molded. What happened to Bobby Fischer, happened to me too. When we sought to research the dubious claims of Mr. Armstrong after leaving, we encountered the “rabbit hole” instead of honest information. Protect yourself and your loved ones against those who spread the “Judeo Bolshevik Conspiracy” myth. Some may cloak their “rabbit hole” conspiracy theories under the guise of being against wars, or, for those seeking somebody to blame for why they've been marginalized; they've got a conspiracy theory ready to peddle to every kind of person who's a willing buyer, but in truth, their Nazi allies peddling the deepening rabbit hole, are not far behind. |
The same reason I did. Our minds were gripped in fear, indoctrinated by Mr. Armstrong in the false belief the book of Revelations, the entire Bible forecast a re-emergence of “The Holy Roman Empire,” and martyrdom of Christians. Those of course being, “the chosen” who keep the Commandments of God, and the word of Jesus Christ.
Mr. Armstrong held before us, the harrowing examples of what Germany did to the Jews. Warning — it should happen to us, unless we were baptized and fervent in our obedience to Mr. Armstrong's dogma and doctrine.
- The signs of the end time came for Bobby in 1972… a date picked by Mr. Armstrong and his inner-circle to encourage his flock to empty their wallets and bank accounts to help the end-time work, before a mass exodus of the church in 1972, with the return of Jesus Christ predicted in 1975 (the book pages of the same title: 1975 in Prophecy!).
- The signs of the end time came for me in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin wall, forecasted by Mr. Armstrong as a sign of the approaching Great Tribulation.
Out of desperation, fear, blindness, we located Nazi literature to discover their plots to invade, and conquer [the British and American Empires?? two of the most destructive colonial super-powers known to human history?].
Instead of some discovery of truth, we were quickly misled by the century old “Judeo Bolshevik World Conspiracy” myth.