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Bobby Fischer's mentor Archie Waters, studying the Fischer-Byrne “Game of the Century”. Remember the hollow claims by media that Fischer was… “racist”? Bobby chose Archie Waters over Evans to accompany him in Iceland, and played Ping Pong between matches! Bobby Fischer was not “racist”. Apartheid regimes label critics “racist,” to draw attention away from their racism.
Real Bobby Fischer & Women in Chess
“I'd welcome some girls in chess.”
— Bobby Fischer, 1972 Interview with Dick Cavett
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Chess media mistakenly mixed up Bobby Fischer's views with Garry Kasparov…
Additionally, Walter Harris, regarded as another important figure in black chess, shared a conversation he had with Bobby Fischer in which Fischer said to Harris, “You have some talent.” He and Fischer were teenage contemporaries, but of course Fischer was already a Grandmaster and U.S. Champion. Harris stated that Fischer was already being made to be a bad person which (in Harris' mind) was certainly not the case.
Bobby Fischer's 1979 Letter to Pal Benko —
Bobby Fischer Gives “Peace Sign” in 1958 and the Peace Movement Calling for Nuclear Disarmament
Bobby was leftist-leaning, like his mother, Regina Fischer who went on a “Peace March” to Moscow in 1961 to put pressure on the Khrushchevs and U.S.S.R. toward disarmament.
(Readers' Digest) The Dark, Untold Story About the Peace Sign
“It originated as a symbol used by the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC). An artist, Gerald Holtom, was on the groups' board, and as a well-known designer, stepped up to create a symbol that would have not only a visual but also a political impact. The symbol was first displayed during a protest march that took place on Easter weekend of 1958. Protesters marched 52 miles from London to Aldermaston in Berkshire, which is the site of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment to protest the use of nuclear weapons in war. This march was organized by the DAC and it was the first wide spread public display of the peace sign.”
Further confirmation of Bobby Fischer's distaste for Fascists (or Nazis) is confirmed in these lines:
Regarding > … Alexander Alekhine and his brother Alexei the latter which was murdered in Russia, probably due to open support of the Nazis … <
Bobby Fischer, in a 1964 article, ranked Alekhine as one of the ten greatest players in history but Fischer, who was famous for the clarity of his play, wrote of Alekhine:
—> Alekhine has NEVER been a hero of mine <—, and I've never cared for his style of play.
Bobby's views never strayed far from his roots. The collage above, mentions BERTRAND RUSSELL, who was responsible for putting the peace signs on the 1958 banners and buttons of the activists. BERTRAND RUSSELL held strong views opposing the Apartheid of Israel. Just as Bobby did. Bobby never abandoned his leftist-leaning roots which he learned from Regina Fischer. He loathed Fascism.
Bobby Fischer, 2005
- Bobby Fischer (on the Zionists, who are also enemies to the true Jews that media has also tried to silence.)
Jews Against Israeli Apartheid — aka “Zionism” (whose primary support base comes from White, Anglo-Saxon, Evangelical “Christian” Fundamentalists who hope to speed up Middle East Nuclear Armageddon & End Time prophecy. (Also see this.) The real agenda however, is corporate ethnic cleansing, land, oil and resource theft.
Palestine Aid
“Hi there, Just wanna say I'm a chess player and I look up to Bobby Fischer above any other chess player. He was the best and I've even memorised some of his famous games, including the 1972 World Championship match when he defeated Boris Spassky… Fischer also supported Palestine and always spoke out against injustice. He was a good man and I do miss him…”
—“Mo” and “Rico”
Medical Aid Palestine, @MedicalAidPal or, @MAPCampaigns
Bobby was leftist-leaning, like his mother, Regina Fischer who went on a “Peace March” to Moscow in 1961 to put pressure on the Khrushchevs and U.S.S.R. toward disarmament.
(Readers' Digest) The Dark, Untold Story About the Peace Sign
“It originated as a symbol used by the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC). An artist, Gerald Holtom, was on the groups' board, and as a well-known designer, stepped up to create a symbol that would have not only a visual but also a political impact. The symbol was first displayed during a protest march that took place on Easter weekend of 1958. Protesters marched 52 miles from London to Aldermaston in Berkshire, which is the site of the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment to protest the use of nuclear weapons in war. This march was organized by the DAC and it was the first wide spread public display of the peace sign.”
Bobby's views never strayed far from his roots. The collage above, mentions BERTRAND RUSSELL, who was responsible for putting the peace signs on the 1958 banners and buttons of the activists. BERTRAND RUSSELL held strong views opposing the Apartheid of Israel. Just as Bobby did. Bobby never abandoned his leftist-leaning roots which he learned from Regina Fischer. He loathed Fascism.
Bertrand Russell and Chess
Many of the younger generation would not recognize the name of Bertrand Russell that I mentioned here yesterday, who was...
Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, October 19, 2019