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Devastating Effects on My Personal Life During the Herbert Armstrong Era of the Worldwide Church of God

Back to the Untold Story of Bobby Fischer Index

Somehow, this garbage turned up on the web. Typical -- as I skim over it, there's only bits and pieces of facts,...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, October 31, 2020

Somehow, this garbage turned up on the web. Typical -- as I skim over it, there's only bits and pieces of facts, interwoven with the confusion of a reporter attempting to fill in the gaps, who did not meet with me, face to face. It's worth commenting #1 . . . I did NOT discuss my activities or motivations with parents, so why were they wasting time even interviewing somebody who was kept entirely out of the loop and ignorant?
OK... the reason was, I was in Europe when the reporter called and speaks to parents who informs them I was not there, instead of waiting till I arrived back home.
The paper states: "...Her parents say it's a mystery to them why she was drawn into the white supremacist network."
A mystery? NO. The reason: RESEARCH.
What's so mysterious? They also didn't know why Bobby Fischer began reading their literature and started going on about "Jews" either, did they?
Till this day, you'll find them calling Bobby's Cult-Exit behavior, a "Mystery" too. It's not. It's what happens after a decade of being shaped by cult abuse.
That 1996 article quotes this, "...She said she never joined the neo-Nazi movement. ``I have a lot of friends, some are black, some are Mexican,' she said."
Yeah, and that pretty much describes Bobby Fischer. He was not racist either.
My parents didn't know or understand because I did not share my life with them. The newspaper, interviewed the wrong people, who knew nothing and they printed what they wanted to hear. "Oh, it must be insanity. . . . she was depressed. . . "
No... it's something the reporter isn't able to comprehend.
"Depression". Hardly, I was taking control of the Armstrong Delusion by confronting fears about 'prophecied Nazi invasions' and myself getting locked up in an extermination camp.
MEANWHILE, another paper I spoke to, asked me directly "WHY" . . . and I told them point-blank: THAT CULT! That wicked cult I was dragged into, "The Worldwide Church of God.." the cult and its constant harping on Nazis Nazis Nazis. . . and vivid depictions of what would result if we weren't found worthy of escape the "Great Tribulation," with plagues and wars; i.e., strict obedience to Herbert W. Armstrong was 'our only hope'. What a Charlatan!!! as Bobby Fischer called Herbert. A Charlatan... a False Prophet! We kept Jewish holy festivals, followed the Old Testament meat laws like a stickler, kept the sabbath - - - so unless we were obedient, the Nazis were going to get us, like they did the Jews. So we were taught by Armstrong, as a means to extract unquestioning obedience, give children nightmares, and scare every dime out of the believers... that's no childhood and its the kind of mind-altering fear factory to control and destroy lives. The cult lawyer, Stanley Rader, got direct access to handling Bobby Fischer's bank account and bled it of his prize money from the '72 match with Boris Spassky.
`She's been kind of a loner,' [says mother] ``She's not a very sociable person.'
. . . continues with generalizations . . . I'm not a social climbing suckup like some people.
Now I did actually say this . . . WHY, I began researching:
``Curiosity. Who they were. ... I have an open mind. ... It's interesting to know the news before it happens.'
THAT IS BECAUSE ARMSTRONG . . . PROPHESIED NAZIS WOULD INVADE THE U.S.A. And that is precisely why I sought those radicals out . . . Armstrong said they were gonna invade, and I sought to PROTECT MYSELF from death. So simple. Anyone familiar with the pack of fiction peddled in the Armstrong's cult literature and its offshoots would know why Myself & Bobby were investigating Nazi Literature and DECEIVED by it and that doesn't require genius to figure it out.

31 Mar 1996, Sun The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, North Carolina)

"Her parents say it's a mystery to them." 90% of this article got their facts wrong about myself. Of course it was a "mystery" to them. They were talking to a reporter, about things they didn't know or understand. Out of one side of their mouth they confess, "It's a mystery!" then out of the other side, gushes 10 different wrong theories! Just like they got most of their facts wrong about Bobby Fischer too! She goes off the deep end, and suggests it was boredom, depression. Bah! Of course dear mother isn't going to tell about her deep devotion to the Zionist Xtian movement and how Armstrong was a Zionist (Pro-Israel Real Estate grab). . . and how I was frozen, helplessly, as watched my father and brother argue back and forth over the Jews, to the point my father was nearing hysteria in his self-perceived holy righteous defense of the Jews as "God's chosen". I recall him claiming that the Jews were God's chosen, and Hitler resented them for that and that's why Hitler persecuted the Jews.... theories... theories... facts not necessary! My brother had got deeply involved in studies of the Holocaust, Bible prophecy, and was teaching himself German, for when the invasion that Herbert prophesied, came, because apparently, he too, like Bobby Fischer, like myself and thousands of other young people, believed we were possibly going to be left behind and put in a German Nazi concentration camp for keeping the sabbath like the Jews.
That evening, the hysterical argument culminated in my father pulling out his pocket knife and threatening the cut off the big toe of my oldest brother, with my father dutifully threatening to teach him, "What the Nazis did to the Jews." Such reverence for the holy chosen people. There wasn't a drop of antisemitism in the words of my father, as his zealotry reached the rooftops of our little home sweet home.
Many young people (we were forbidden baptism, only adults were permitted baptism) and failure to be baptized would increase the unlikelihood to be judged "worthy" of escape. Everyone handled the intimidating manipulation differently. That constant screaming, yelling, sometimes beatings and praising the glory of how the Old Testament Bible taught of Ancient Israelites stoning disobedient children in the streets, and other authoritarian garbage tore my nerves apart, and oh so so much constant reverence for the Jews . . . the holocaust . . . God's wrath. . . I had dreams at night of Hitler ordering my execution, hiding in ghettos escaping Nazis, yeah, it was depressing, for sure... but it struck a nerve in my young susceptible mind when my father won the argument, by placing a knife blade to my brother's foot, as if he's prepared to cut off his toe, saying "This is how the Germans treated the Jews..." (to discourage my brother from studying about Nazi Germany I suppose?) tempting my brother to say more... perhaps resulting in a severed foot? I was paralyzed in fear at what I was witnessing. It was an idolatry of the Jews. This was the destructive effect of the Armstrong religion. It was not a home. Not family. Not God. All for the sake of Zionist Israel. We grew up, shaped in this relentless hostile, nail-biting dismal religious fundamentalist authoritarian drama.

As I told that reporter (who got nearly all his "facts" incorrect due to consulting "answers" from people I did not share my personal thoughts with anyway . . . I never joined the Nazi movement, but after having "Nazis gonna invade" drilled into my head for two decades, I did exactly what Bobby Fischer did. I studied their claims, I researched them, I had to understand why the Nazis wanted to destroy people simply for keeping the Saturday Sabbath - - - the cult my dear mother and father forced us to attend and swallow their religious dogma.

I never joined the Nazis. Nor did Bobby Fischer.

The media has done an awful lot of speculation and false accusations.

Headquarters in Pasadena knew Bobby Fischer was a celebrity, therefore a threat to Herb's empire with millions of people, worldwide interested in what Bobby Fischer had to say. Life was going okay for Bobby with exception of the USSR doing its bit, Karpov playing mind games, Brad Darrach's defamatory fake biography which Fischer was suing over at the time -- but things got much worse after Fischer spoke to the Ambassador Report (cult dissidents) in 1977, regarding the cult abuse.

1000 Yard Glare

Passport photo from 1994, before I made the fateful trip to Europe. It appears I had a bit of a “thousand yard glare” even fear stricken in my face. I was put on a path to discover “the truth” and could not rest till I discovered it. Armstrong's cult terror, and the direction it sent lives of its victims reeling, was deeply detrimental and traumatizing.

In an interrogation during the middle of a nervous breakdown. Police and media did not care that I had been terrorized in a cult from 1973 until 1990's and went straightway into a political terror movement because of Armstrong's cult indoctrination “Nazis are coming for you!” then the lying Nazis had their own pack of propaganda that must be investigated and while trying to unlock all these mysteries… their serial killer-rapist terrorized me and my family for 9 months with death threats, an explosive in the mail and poison package, (from around June or July 1995 until he was arrested in March 1996), and three victims were killed. Nobody cared about the terror me and Bobby had forced on us. I overdosed during that trip on sleeping pills. Did anyone care? Not at all. Cruel, heartless and cold is the treatment I got. No compassion or empathy... and Bobby Fischer said what was wrong with the world? I tried to motivate the police, during all those months to ARREST the monster. I gave his letters, cassettes, shared his phone calls with federal agents and they simply allowed him to roam, to terrorize, stalk and kill. I tried to do the right thing. So did Bobby. How dare anyone judge either one of us.

In Germany after the murders
Getting Interrogated 1995-1996
The Explosive the Monster Sent

My eyes were swollen and red from crying. Trauma. It was shortly after this I overdosed on sleeping pills, but later learned Trazadone is ineffective. Upon departure, the airline knew something was wrong, and kept me in their sick bay. I slept for hours. It was the darkest hour ever in my life. I blame Armstrong for destroying my life, like he destroyed Bobby's.

Complex PTSD
Dr. Judith Herman of Harvard University suggests that a new diagnosis, Complex PTSD, is needed to describe the symptoms of long-term trauma.
“Many traumatic events (e.g., car accidents, natural disasters, etc.) are of time-limited duration. However, in some cases people experience chronic trauma that continues or repeats for months or years at a time. The current PTSD diagnosis often does not fully capture the severe psychological harm that occurs with prolonged, repeated trauma. People who experience chronic trauma often report additional symptoms alongside formal PTSD symptoms, such as changes in their self-concept and the way they adapt to stressful events.”
Complex PTSD
Herbert W. Armstrong and the Nazi Gateway

I am tired of media distortions and lies, claiming the Armstrong cult were “rooted in Anti-Jewish” this or that, when the truth was, they taught a mind-paralyzing reverence of the Jews as “God's chosen people” and the Holocaust as Holy Writ of the Book of Revelations, and that any day, we, the “tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim” would perish in Nazi gas chambers like the Jews did, UNLESS we obeyed Herbert W. Armstrong and sent those tithes and donations.

Here's the years mine & Bobby Fischer's lives paralleled. Unlike him, I did break free of cult influence but kept studying. I tried to put the nightmare behind me, till I learned of Bobby 💜 Others are still out there. Chess media are bashing Bobby… but I'm tickled to discover I have a brother.

Bobby Fischer, the Worldwide Church of God and Post-Cult Aftermath
Thank you to the supporters

There are some dedicated readers, and I am grateful for you. I am fully aware of how the "inside circle" who have spared no expense, squeezing others out, silencing opposing views (which shed light on the truth), silencing honest journalism and rigging the narratives . . . they know now, you know, 'what changed Bobby' and its found in the testimony and years of dedication I have invested in this work. There are a few among them, that prospect on writing or producing another movie about Bobby with this 'paradigm shift' as it was called. They will probably wait, until I am deceased to go forward with any publications, but if and when they do - - - if they elaborate of any of the real-life concepts I brought to the public, they owe my children a percentage of whatever they'd profit from my suffering. I won't profit during my lifetime, but by God! My children suffered because of long-lasting trauma forced upon me, till this day, I never had a normal life. Every semblance of Normalcy was stripped from us, deprived, in that cult. We (Bobby Fischer, myself, all involved who were trusting those in authority -- we were SHAPED to react just as we did, and I'm finished apologizing, but I live with deep regrets, the icing on the cake -- those in authority shaped us into what we were, the root of our reasoning, the narrow options and for reacting "normal" those in authority then had their "excuses" to curse, berate, defame, persecute and torment us even further. Hounded with guilt trips for reacting as we were shaped to do. Those producers and book writers whom profit in the future, OWE my children if they borrow from the very ideas I have brought to light for the public, at no cost.

Years ago, people told me, “You should write a book,” in regards to what happened... that man I married and his 9 months of phone calls, cassette confessions, letters of madness. . . every day I live with the regret for the lives of those people who were killed by him. I'm “writing” every day on this FB. My story is Bobby's story. It is the story of hundreds of Armstrong cult survivors.

The innocent victims of the H.W.A. cult who are unfairly judged and condemned because of media hysteria

The innocent victims who are unfairly judged and condemned because of media hysteria

Sometimes I remind everyone *why* I am here. Why I am doing this restoration of the actual events unfolding around Bobby's life... so that people know what Bobby was NOT during 1962-1970ish... he was NOT a racist. Most of things written about Bobby are patently false, contrived by conniving little people. My whole heart and soul is wrapped up in this project... Bobby was belittled as I was, and for the same causes throughout the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s people didn't understand the effects that cult had on our lives, post-cult. They reported in the press about both of us, it was a "mystery" they said, why we were involved in Anti-(Zionist) activities. (I asked Susan Polgar in 2017 to publish my story in conjunction with Bobby's, so that justice could be at last given to Bobby, the false stories littering the web rebuked, for being patently false so I could move on with my life. But she outright refused, choosing the way of political expedience which cares nothing for truth, justice or dignifying those of us on the Autism Spectrum and the marginalized). She even went so far as to mock me on Twitter, (like Bobby Fischer, I am on the Autism spectrum) . . . to 'ignore' what I had to say. Instructing to readers, that an Autistic woman should be silenced and censored? Is she a god to speak for the Autism Spectrum community? She has no authority to speak on the matter. A minority like her in the upper chess echelons are narrow-minded and intolerant, and it is totally unacceptable.

I will speak.

This brooch looks near identical to the brooch I gave to a woman in the Worldwide Church of God back during the early 1980s. It had a tiny red rhinestone in it. She was a black lady, mid 20's, tall, slim, beautiful, always dressed well and was a full time, baptized follower in the New Bern, NC WCG congregation. I was then attending the Wilmington, NC congregation, so, I had seen her on occasion when our two distant cities came together to meet as one large single congregation on one of several high holy days. She had the same leaf design but, as a pair of earrings. I told her about the matching brooch I had back at home. So, months later when we made the long trip during the next high holy day, I remembered to bring that little brooch so she had the entire set. I have many memories such as these from my childhood. I had friends in the WCG, for which I bear no malice. Then, 2017 I began researching and discovering all the cult-induced commonalities my life shared with Bobby... and here he was, being criticized for them, just as I once was.

I was shocked and dismayed, heartbroken when I began researching what people in the chess establishment were writing about us, people in the church… myself, that lady with the leaf ear rings, the Prossers' daughter I palled around with back during the 1970s, the Boneys (an American Indian husband and wife who were friendly, kind-hearted people), so many people I acquainted over the years... GOOD decent people... and then came the chess establishment smearing these people, based on rumors which they obtained knowledge of, from other sordid rumors... but not on a scrap of factual knowledge. This beautiful black lady with the gold leaf ear rings, was being referred to as a "White Nationalist"... lumped into the same category as Aryan Nations and other white supremacist groups. Stygmatized by nothing less than Jew-Baiters, as "Jew Haters" by people who know NOTHING about the doctrines or the lives of the people who attended the Worldwide Church of God during the same era Bobby Fischer was involved.

The chess establishment (many acting as writers) are guilty of libeling diverse people I knew in my childhood as our "church family," as though they were "Nazi" sympathizers which is the polar opposite of the reality. When I think back on laying in bed, with nightmares of seeing the cold, icey gazed Hitler mumbling in a foreign language, then seeing a german soldier turn and train his barrel at me, and as the shot rang out, I could feel my whole body grow weaker and my vision growing dark in my dream, I died in that dream... then woke up, amazed that I was still alive. Other, GOOD decent people in the cult who earnestly believed Herbert Armstrong's false prophecies and faithfully dug deep in their pockets to tithe were going through the same things, in their own way. Nobody stays in a cult because of a "choice." There was no "choice" before, during or after. They sincerely believed, just like Bobby did. Everyone of us who came out of that cult suffered enough without being falsely, libelously maligned, to benefit somebody else's political agenda.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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