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Iceland's Anti-American Atmosphere and Threats on the Life of Bobby Fischer (Today, swept under the rug)

Back to the Untold Story of Bobby Fischer Index

Tall tales, made up from thin air from people who behave like this:

The Marion Star Marion, Ohio Saturday, July 15, 1972 - Page 1

A Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Hostility the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 TournamentA Hornet's Nest of Racist, Anti-American Hostility the Soviet Knowingly Selected for 1972 Tournament 15 Jul 1972, Sat The Marion Star (Marion, Ohio)

Speaking of relgious discrimination and racism

The Miami Herald Miami, Florida Wednesday, July 05, 1972
… BLACKS are obviously not welcomed on the island, so there is no reason to believe they would be lining up to volunteer for assignment there. However, with its climatic reputation as an iceberg, whites aren't exactly volunteering in droves either, one official said.
Although U.S. Disclaims Bias, Few Blacks Sent to IcelandAlthough U.S. Disclaims Bias, Few Blacks Sent to Iceland 05 Jul 1972, Wed The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida)

(Sheds some contemporary perspective on the official [but unspoken] Soviet delegation's selection and PREFERENCE of Iceland for the Tournament.)
The Miami Herald Miami, Florida Wednesday, July 05, 1972
Although U.S. Disclaims Bias, Few Blacks Sent to Iceland
Washington (UPI) Although it has been eight months since Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird denounced secret agreements with Iceland that limited the number of black servicemen assigned to the island, there has been no increase in the minuscule number of Negroes sent there.
Last November, when the secret agreement surfaced, defense officials said there were "about 40" blacks among the 3,000 sailors and airmen in Iceland. Now defense officials say there are only 42 blacks there -- or barely 1 per cent of the U.S. forces on the island.
THE SECRET agreement with Iceland, dating back at least to the 1950s, was disclosed in documents released by the Congressional Black Caucus Nov. 16. The following day at the Pentagon, Laird issued a formal statement saying such orders were rescinded.
His statement said, "I am directing all Department of Defense components that any practices which result in denying equal opportunity in assignment are in violation of our policy and shall be ended forthwith."
In a press conference that day, Laird let drop one reason why he thought the number of blacks on Iceland, might not increase. He said, "I don't believe there have been many requests for assignments to Iceland by black personnel." He added that when it came to assignments, "we're going to give requests the first priority" ... "We're not going to assign on a quota basis because that's just the reverse sort of policy.
BLACKS are obviously not welcomed on the island, so there is no reason to believe they would be lining up to volunteer for assignment there. However, with its climatic reputation as an iceberg, whites aren't exactly volunteering in droves either, one official said.
Therefore, normal rotational assignments should result in a force on Iceland that is about 8 per cent black because 8 per cent of the Navy and Air Force are black.
The documents revealed by the Black Caucus, composed of all 13 Negro House members, showed that until 1961 the government of Iceland had objected to any Negroes being assigned there. But during 1961 it agreed to accept a token number.

Many are unaware the government of Iceland forbid African American (black) service men on their soil. Along with their strong official racist policies from 1950s-1972, deeply rooted Anti-American hostilities exist. The Soviet Union knowing this, declared Iceland its “favorite” to stage the world championship tournament, knowing Robert Fischer would be shouted down with chauveninistic slogans and Anti-American hostilities.

For benefit of the non-English speaking readers, the words are transcribed into text.

For benefit of the non-English speaking readers, the words are transcribed into text. The Vancouver Sun Vancouver,...

Posted by Bobby Fischer's True History on Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Vancouver Sun Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Thursday, July 06, 1972
Reykjavik, Iceland (TPS) — “We like Americans here, not Russians,” the pretty telephone operator said. ([What kind of question is that? Why wouldn't a normal, free western nation “like Americans”? With 10% of your population professing Soviet Bolshevism as their party affiliation spreading myths in their Anti-American publications, I can buy how ‘You like Americans,’ or so you say. Does that include black American service men who were forbidden on your racist soil?])
“But we don't like your Mr. Fischer. We will be rooting for Spassky.” ([Of course you will root for the Soviets.])
The Lincoln Star Lincoln, Nebraska Tuesday, November 08, 1955
“Olafson said that about 10 per cent of the 160,000 Icelandic population are [Soviets], and as a result there are very many small weekly communistic [Soviet] papers which have much anti-American propaganda.”

The Birmingham News Birmingham, Alabama Sunday, March 27, 1960
Treated as virtual enemy--GI's leaving Iceland won't shed any tears. By James Elliott, Norfolk Ledger-Star Military Affairs writer.
Keflavik, Iceland, March 26—(AP)—American servicemen at this bleak, frigid outpost are living behind a glacier curtain—an invisible wall as high and as strong as the Iron Curtain.
It is a barrier behind which Americans silently suffer from indignities, restrictions and embarrassments that few persons back home ever hear about.
U.S. forces were invited to Iceland as protectors nearly 10 years ago by a government afraid of being invaded by Soviets. The Icelandic government asked them to “go home” in 1956, then changed its mind suddenly during Soviet suppression of the Hungarian revolt.
The Army contingent of 1200 men is now being pulled out. It's unlikely the GI's will shed any tears.
The Army says the withdrawal is part of a normal redistribution of troops, a plan which has been under consideration for some time. However, it was announced last year at a time when bad feeling between U.S. military forces and Iceland civilians was at a peak.

Approximately 5000 Navy, Air Force and —up to now—Army men in Iceland brave blizzard weather, standing their posts in knee-deep snowdrifts, below freezing temperature and howling, relentless winds. They fly through all types of miserable weather and battle seas that would terrify Neptune. They spend monotonous hours over radarscopes that scan the Arctic horizon toward Russia for unfriendly aircraft.
They are treated with suspicion.([Interesting that Bobby was criticized for his justified distrust of reporters and Soviets, yet, the Soviets find the Icelandic “suspicious” character an admirable quality … enough so to bring their World Championship to Icelandic soil.]) They are searched when they leave the base and restricted in their movements around Iceland. The men are required to be in uniform at all times.
Only 130 a day are permitted passes. The liberty period is limited. The men hardly have time to leave the base, drive over the treacherous, winding 35 miles of ice-covered road to Reykjavik and eat a meal before they must be off the streets.
The Icelanders have imposed a 10 p.m. curfew on American servicemen. On Wednesdays they can remain on the streets until midnight, but on Wednesdays all bars and night clubs are closed.

Morale is about as low as Iceland's subterranean hot springs.
The base, Icelanders insist, is not a base but an international airport 100 per cent a part of Iceland.
For that reason Icelandic police have authority throughout the area. They seem extremely zealous in arresting servicemen leaving the clubs at night on charges of drunken driving.
Iceland has very strict drunken driving laws and mandatory blood tests where a person is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. The test criterion is very low.
“You can have a drink the night before and have one of their blood tests the next day and be declared drunk,” said one officer.

American dependents living off the base cannot take home items purchased in the base exchange or commissary. Icelandic police search American cars leaving the gate.
A bottle of hair tonic … six rolls of lifesavers and a candy bar … a 65-cent baby's toy … a box of chocolates … two packages of c*gr*ts … and a good old American picnic lunch.
These items are contraband. According to records in the provost marshal's office here, they are among items confiscated from Americans by the Icelandic police.
The Icelanders call it smuggling. They fear the doors will be open to black marketing. Americans often have to face criminal charges in Icelandic court because they had these inconsequential articles in their cars.
Hardest hit by these restrictions are the dependents who are here at their own expense because their husbands chose to serve only one-year tours in Iceland. Approximately 200 families live off the base in apartments or houses rented from Icelanders. They cannot take items purchased in the base exchange or commissary off the post.
Air Force Staff Sgt. James G. Warner of Buckhannon, West Virginia with a wife and two children, rents an unfurnished three-bedroom apartment in Keflavik for $64 a month. Utilities cost an additional $16 a month. Food, however, soars to approximately $125 a month, which is not hay on a sergeant's pay.
The Warners have found that their dietary habits have to conform to Icelandic menus. They eat lots of fish.

A small party of servicemen left on the countryside without food or water in a survival exercise were condemned as “poachers” in the press. Rather than starve they had attempted to fish in a stream.
This resulted in another American concession. There are no more survival tests.
Maintaining military security on this base seems about as easy as keeping water in a sieve.
The Icelandic government—not the military authorities—issues the passes. Until just recently an estimated 12,000 uncontrolled passes were at large among the Icelandic population. The Americans did not know who had them. And the Icelanders wouldn't tell them.
Recently, however, the Americans on the defense council won a long-standing battle to have those old passes invalidated and new passes issued.
The defense council, composed of four representatives of the Icelandic government and four representatives of the military forces here, administers the 1951 agreement under which American forces are in Iceland.
Invalidating the old passes was one step which Col. Benjamin G. Willis, the Air Force officer who is commander of the Icelandic defense force, feels is pointing to improvements in American-Icelandic coexistence.
The local Icelandic judge, Bjorn Ingvarsson, the Americans feel, has been more lenient in recent months, particularly with “hold orders.”
In the past some accused Americans were forced to remain in Iceland as long as five months beyond their normal tour of duty because the judge had issued an order holding them for court action.
More important, in the eyes of the Americans, has been the appointment of two new Icelandic representatives on the defense council. They are Ludwig Gizurarson and Tomas Tomasson, both young, dedicated men who have been educated in the United States.
With last Summer's elections over, the newspapers have toned down their anti-American campaigns. ([Really? Does that include African Americans?])

Treated as Virtual Enemy--Americans leaving Iceland Won't Shed Any Tears
Negro Troops Barred From Iceland ServiceNegro Troops Barred From Iceland Service 11 Dec 1959, Fri Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Mississippi)

Negro Troops Barred From Iceland Service
The New York Times has reported that the United States does not assign Negroes to its Air Force and Army bases in Iceland, apparently as the result of an agreement which gives Iceland the right to "review the composition of American troops" stationed there. No one in Washington seems to find such a policy objectionable. ([Nor did the Soviet Union, who knew all this and still chose Iceland the "preferred pick" to stage the 1972 World Chess Championship. Knowing that not only was Iceland a racist haven, but had a long history of harboring strong anti-American sentiments, a powder-keg, just waiting for American Robert Fischer to step into.])
Iceland: Negro Personnel will not be assigned for duty ... in IcelandIceland: Negro Personnel will not be assigned for duty ... in Iceland 09 Oct 1963, Wed Nashville Banner (Nashville, Tennessee) In commenting on our government's voluntary restrictions on Negro assignments to Iceland, the Times quoted an unidentified Pentagon spokesman as saying that Washington's policy is to defer to the wishes of the country in which American bases are situated.
Iceland has been a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since it was formed in 1949, although she has no army and has a police force of only 250 officers. The United States has some 5,000 Air Force and Army personnel in Iceland, maintaining airfields and radar stations.
The Amsterdam News, a Negro newspaper published in New York's Harlem district, is making an issue of Iceland's refusal to allow colored troops on her soil.

From Larry Evans (June 12, 1976) comes this interesting nugget, where he cites Reuben Fine. Fine, a chess expert and psychologist, confirms Bobby Fischer “snapped out of” Cold War Paranoia (rivalry that exist between Soviets and USA, fears of KGB/CIA agents assassinating, spying or otherwise presenting a personal threat to individuals from the opposing country. Such fears were not without justification). Bobby Fischer would “snap out of” his paranoia that Soviets might attempt to poison or harm him, and strategized over the chess board with mental precision. In other words, Bobby Fischer clearly did not suffer from “disorganized thoughts,” which would have otherwise been indicative of clinical paranoia or “mental illness”.

Very Real Threats Were Made on the Life of Bobby Fischer, over Commercial RadioVery Real Threats Were Made on the Life of Bobby Fischer, over Commercial Radio 12 Jun 1976, Sat Reno Gazette-Journal (Reno, Nevada)

Some Americans were not affected by Cold War propaganda which created a climate of “Cold War Hysteria”, mainly because they were not in the KGB's watchful scrutiny, while others (like Bobby Fischer) were badly affected, especially since actual threats on his life, to have “eight hours to get out of Iceland” or else, were verbalized over commercial radio in Iceland, during his match with Spassky. “Cold War Paranoia” was present in populations of both Soviet Union and USA.

Also, Larry Evans makes a comparison with Morphy, whether or not the rumors are true, there was good reason to fear. Threats had been often made against the life of Paul Morphy and a public smear campaign in newspapers. Hence, Morphy had good reason to fear for his life as well. Like the polarized politics of Soviet vs. U.S., then it was the North vs. South hysterics.

Threats on the Life of Paul Morphy and Political Smear Campaign

Threats on the Life of Paul Morphy and Political Smear Campaign

This observation raised by Larry Evans and Reuben Fine of Bobby's deep-rooted fears of Soviets, points to underlying reasons Bobby Fischer was especially vulnerable and susceptible to the method of brainwashing in the Armstrong Doomsday Cult which focused primarily on how current events; Nazis, Soviets and contemporary world events played into Biblical Prophecy.

In fact, the United States Government would go so far as to have disagreed with Evans and Fine in 1983:

The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Monday, August 29, 1983

U.S. Media, Cold War Paranoia and the USSR

They call it “Cold War Paranoia”.
Here is a video of Bobby with Dick Cavett where he is so anxious that he knocks over chess pieces…

“Above every entrance to the 3,000 seat hall, is a big sign warning spectators that cameras are forbidden inside.”
The Times-News Twin Falls, Idaho Wednesday, July 12, 1972
— Due to Icelandic Chess Federation and Soviet Censorship selling all photography rights of the match to Chester Fox Inc. without Bobby Fischer's knowledge or consent. But they blamed Bobby Fischer as the sole culprit.

Excerpt from: Chess Duels: My Games with the World Champions “Stories about Bobby abounded. It was impossible to sort myth from fact. Reporters wrote whatever they fancied, and there was no one to correct them. Tons of garbage was spewed and constantly recycled. Fiction became fact, repeated by one writing after another.”
Excerpt from: Chess Duels: My Games with the World Champions, by US Champion Yasser Seirawan, Page 17.

“Larsen … tends to be erratic. Bobby is a solid player and plays until the last piece is moved, without pity or remorse. He has the killer instinct. Larsen will have to play much better chess than he did against Uhlmann or he will be crushed like Taimanov. If I have to make a prediction, I'll say Fischer.”
- George Koltanowski, International Chess Master, July 10, 1971, Times Colonist , British Columbia, Canada.

Great Quote by Robert Byrnes about Bobby Fischer.

“From every standpoint, the arrangement is unfair and inequitable, and I shall not blame RESHEVSKY at all if he refuses to compete in the Candidates' Tournament.”
- Alexander Bisno, Beverly Hills, Calif.
The Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia, Pennsylvania January 11, 1953

See “Soviet Grandmaster Draws, U.S. Chess and Bobby Fischer

Manitowoc Herald-Times, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, Wednesday, June 16, 1976 — “Championship Chess Match Is Surrounded by Antics
“…The Russians have, via politics, annexed the chess board. It is now Soviet territory. Bobby Fischer, chess's leading citizen, prefers exile and personal financial loss of millions, rather than compromise with those whose policies are contrary to the good of chess as a sport, as well as which deny individual reward in proportion to individual effort.”

Excerpt from: Understanding Chess My System, My Games, My Life “For the latest HBO mythological film Bobby Fischer Against the World…HBO created new myths based on its own preconceptions.…HBO also revived old myths…HBO got crucial details wrong. That group was tempted to repeat what they saw as facts derived from erroneous sources … One fact is “I was there and most who speak were not.”
Excerpt from: Understanding Chess: My System, My Games, My Life, by William Lombardy, Page 28.

Boris Spassky Speaks on Bobby Fischer in 1969

The Press Democrat Santa Rosa, California
Sunday, September 07, 1969

Daily Press Newport News, Virginia Sunday, March 29, 1964
“Bobby Fischer 50-board Simultaneous Exhibition at Richmond Chess Club”
Smith says, “Fischer turned out to be a very personable young man in spite of those negative articles in some of the national magazines. After all, he's only 20 years old. While Jack Chappel of the Richmond club was introducing him, Fischer was slightly ill at ease, but he became self-assured when he began discussion of one of his games against (the Russian grandmaster) Yefim Geller.
“Fischer's performance,” continues Smith, “was fantastic…
“Some players broke the rules of the exhibition by moving before Fischer walked up to their boards. With all that, Fischer showed great self control and understanding and mowed down the opposition one after the other. It was really something to see. The way he acted through that grind I'd say he's tops both as a person and player.”

Journal and Courier Lafayette, Indiana Friday, June 30, 1972
“Fischer Threatened With Blacklisting”
“…The young American has waged a relentless campaign to push championship chess toward the financial leagues hitherto reserved for the Namaths, the Hulls and the Seavers of professional sports. It is a campaign in which he gets no cooperation from the Soviet champions, who already enjoy the status of public heroes, well subsidized by their government.”

Excerpt from: No Regrets by Yasser Seirawan “Reactions in the media have fallen into three camps:
to ignore what Fischer said;
to state that it is not worth repeating, that it was an aberration of a guy who has some “mental problems” or,
to attack Fischer.
Yasser chose a different treatment for this book: to give the reader everything that Fischer (and Spassky) said at the press conferences, and to allow the reader to make up his or her mind about it.”
Excerpt from: No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan, Page 2.

Soviet Chess Master Made Right Move in Coming to U.S.
“Bobby Fischer's fear of the KGB is not just paranoia. I know for a fact that they are still watching him today.”
Gary Kasparov, says Alburt, is not the true world champion. Alburt was instrumental in lobbying through Congress the “Fischer proposal,” which recognizes Fischer as the world champion.
Both Kasparov and Karpov, he says, are propaganda tools for the Soviets. Alburt especially loathes Kasparov, who Alburt believes, has duped the western press into believing Kasparov is “some kind of dissident.” Alburt also predicts that Karpov's chess results will steadily go down because he is out of favor, and Kasparov is in control politically.”
Excerpt from The Newark Advocate Newark, Ohio Sunday, January 04, 1987

“I was trying to buy God.”
- Bobby Fischer interview, 1977

Fischer In 1972 Anti-American, Racist Iceland

One of many wrongs perpetrated against Bobby Fischer during the 1972 tournament in the hostile Anti-American, Pro-Soviet, Racist Iceland… political leverage is WHY the Soviet Union forced selection of the notoriously Anti-American Iceland!

Threat on the Life of Robert Fischer made in 1972 IcelandThreat on the Life of Robert Fischer made in 1972 Iceland 15 Jul 1972, Sat The Marion Star (Marion, Ohio)

Soviet and Icelandic Chess Federation's Iron Curtain of Secrecy, Censorship and Financial Fudgery of 1972 Match
I realize why they wanted Iceland.
‘They are aware that I am going to win and they want the least possible exposure. Iceland is one place that there it is not possible even to use a television satellite.
‘Chess is a big propaganda vehicle with the Russians.’

- Bobby Fischer did not want Iceland for location:

Organizers Seek To Restrict Coverage Of Chess Match
…Spokesmen for AP and United Press International said they were lodging protests against any curtailment of news coverage.
Joseph G. Groth, general manager of the TelePrompTer Manhattan Cable TV, said in New York: “If this capricious move succeeds, a large and interested segment of the public served by TelePrompTer Manhattan CATV will be deprived of one of the most exciting show-downs in the history of chess.”
Spokesmen for Channel 13-WNDT New York, which also has announced plans for telecasts based on move-by-move reports, said it was “absolutely outrageous to attempt to stop the free dissemination of news.” “We are performing a service for the chess devotee,” the Channel 13 spokesmen said.
Tampa Bay Times St. Petersburg, Florida Friday, June 30, 1972

Did Bobby Fischer know what was in the “fine print” when Icelandic Chess Federation sold its soul to Chester Fox to limit exposure of the match under thumb of Soviet censorship?

The Vancouver Sun Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Saturday, May 06, 1972
A spokesman for Fischer said Friday that he would play ‘under conditions of the Icelandic bid, as yet unseen by him, and in accordance with such rules as have been laid down by FIDE (International Chess Federation) as yet not clarified to him.’

The station [Station WNET (Ch. 13)] said the Icelandic Chess Federation was seeking to bar the Associated Press from transmitting move-by-move reports of the event…”
Daily News New York, New York Friday, June 30, 1972

When they're on about “Fischer & Greed”? ignore their propaganda. Soviet Greed was calling all the shots. Equal or far more generous offers than Reykjavik's were bid from nations around the world, yet dismissed out of hand in favor of these “Soviet whims”.

“Embezzling, a Terrible Organizer, or Just Plain Lying”
Soviets should have hired Australia to organize the match!
Most of us know somebody, or of somebody who is wealthy. Greedy. Money-grubbing. HEAR them talk. “Oh woe as me! they ‘just can't break even.’” Bobby saw through the hubris and nonsense and so did Mr. Prowse in Australia!

The Sydney Morning Herald Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Tuesday, May 02, 1972
“Chess Bid Made to Boost Australia”
“…Mr. Prowse said that $200,000 of the $225,000 would go towards prize money, with the remaining $25,000 for expenses.”

Prowse' offer of 225 grand vs. Soviet Manipulation of Financial Facts:

The Daily Reporter Dover, Ohio Friday, June 30, 1972 “Fischer Threatened With Blacklisting If He Fails To Show For Chess Match”

“…The Icelandic federation was reported seeking a compromise in negotiations with Fred Cramer, former president of the American Chess Federation, who is acting as Fischer's advance man. The Icelanders said they have already spent about $200,000 on preparations, and if they meet Fischer's demand they can't break even.”

BOLOGNA! … so much bias in favor of the Soviets whims!

Somebody didn't “already spend” as claimed because “it would not stand to lose if the match were canceled.” Somebody in Chess Federation was telling big fibs.

Pensacola News Journal Pensacola, Florida Friday, June 30, 1972
Breaking Even

The Times Munster, Indiana Sunday, July 02, 1972

World Title Match in Secret
“…He also says the television coverage will be limited. If he beats Spassky, he doesn't see why it should be some kind of secret.
“…THE WORLD champion has the right to pick the site of the championships,” says Fischer.
“Spassky wasn't even there when the international governing body chose the site. A Russian delegation was there and they picked the site.”

Soviets Hiding Chess Match

From The Boston Globe Boston, Massachusetts Sunday, July 05, 1964, comes this earlier bit:

After the tournament Reshevsky vowed he wouldn't waste his time in these contests because, as the rules were set up, no one but a Russian could win.
Larsen was Fischer's second in the Curacao tournament. Since the Dane's performance at Amsterdam is the best of his career there has been some amused speculation as to whether he was responsible for Fischer's failure at Curacao…”

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks