The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Sunday, March 04, 1962 - Page 36
Fischer Qualifies For Challengers
Bobby Fischer, the 18-year-old American genius who is now being touted by some enthusiastic supporters as the greatest living chess player, has definitely qualified for the Challengers Tournament.
Should Bobby win the Challengers—and don't be surprised if he does just that—he will meet World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik of the Soviet Union and try to topple him from the throne held by the Russians for so long.
Young Fischer was definitely “in” the Challengers when he defeated Julio Bolbochan of Argentina in the 21st round of the World Interzonal Chess Tournament at Stockholm according to word from the Swedish capital Friday night. Only two rounds remain.
Ewfim Geller and Tigran Petrosian, two of the Soviet players, remained tied for second place with 13½-6½. As was generally expected, they were content to maintain their positions and drew their games.
Petrosian halved the point with Abe Yanofsky of Canada. Geller split the point with Sam Schweber of Argentina.