New York Times, New York, New York, Thursday, September 20, 1962 - Page 30

Fischer and Evans Draw Benko Wins at Olympics
Varna, Bulgaria, Sept. 19—In the third round of the Chess Olympics played here last night, the United States played Bulgaria.
At the top board, the American Grand Master Bobby Fischer, played White against a French Defense set up by the top Bulgarian player, Padevski. Padevski sacrificed the exchange for two pawns and a shrewd attack. Fischer, however, returned the exchange and a draw resulted after 35 moves.
On board two, Grand Master Pal Benko of the United States, playing the black side of a Sicilian defense, defeated Tringov in 23 moves. At board three, Grand Master Larry Evans of the United States, playing white against Minev, drew a Slav Defense in 31 moves.
The fourth-board game between Grand Master Robert Byrne of the United States, playing black against Milev, was adjourned. The Bulgarian had excellent winning chances.
The top scores in each section are: