The Gazette Montreal, Quebec, Canada Saturday, February 17, 1962 - Page 19
Canada In The Inter-Zonal
W. Uhlmann, East Germany, holds the lead in the FIDE Inter-Zonal tourney of the world championship series at Stockholm, with 7-2 points. Dr. M. Filip, Czechoslovakia, has 6½-2½, and Bobby Fischer, USA, 6-1 pts. L. Portisch, Hungary, is fourth with 6-3 Canada's Dan Abe Yanofsky is currently 14th among the 23 entries. His score, 3½-4½, comprises wins from Uhlmann, P. Benko, USA, losses to Bolbochan. Filip and Portisch, and draws with Bertok, Yugoslavia, Teschner, E. Germany and M. Aaron, India.