The Tampa Times Tampa, Florida Friday, December 21, 1962 - Page 7
Chess Tourney Adjourns With Bisguier Tops
New York (AP)—Former U.S. champion Arthur Bisguier of New York held the lead today in the national chess championships, which run until January 3.
Bisguier had 2½ points and was in a favorable position in one adjourned game after four rounds of the tournament, begun Dec. 16.
Twelve top players comprise the field for the round-robin tournament. Former champion Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn is top-seeded.
He drew Thursday night with defending champion Larry Evans of New York in 33 moves, and now has 2 points. Evans has 1½.
Fischer, four-time champion, and Samuel Reshevsky, five-time winner, did not compete last year. Reshevsky is seeded third with Pal Benko, a Hungarian refugee, seeded second.
Fischer, Evans and Reshevsky all lost their first round games, in upsets. Reshevsky drew Thursday with Robert Byrne of New York, and has
[…remainder of article apparently is missing from news page.]